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Business pushed Workers Comp reform after court rulings

January 12th, 2017 by Mike Vasilinda

After two court rulings last year gutting the state’s law on lawyers fees for injured workers, the Florida Chamber today made fixing the law as one of it’s top priorities for the coming 2017 legislative session. Chamber President Mark Wilson says there is a big price tag on the horizon if the law is not fixed.

“What we know is after the court case last year there’s a one and a half billion dollar tax increase on jobs in Florida” says the Chamber President. “We know that at the end of the day this is going to be a difficult issue, but we know that now is not the time to kill jobs by adding a one and a half billion dollar Worker’s Comp. tax on the backs of new job creation”

More than a dozen lawmaker took part in the news conference. The fee schedule for lawyers was thrown out after one lawyer ended up with payment averaging a dollar fifty an hour, because the law set limits on what attorneys could be paid. About half of the legal fees in workers comp cases go to lawyers fighting claims of injured workers.

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