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FSU Releases Draft Reopening Plan

June 15th, 2020 by Jake Stofan

Florida State University expects to reopen its campus this fall, but most classes will remain online and plans being presented to the Board of Trustees are subject to change.

FSU students were first told they wouldn’t be returning to the classroom after leaving for Spring break.

“Who could have imagined in January that we would have ended the semester this way?” said FSU President John Thrasher in a May video released by the university.

Now the university has released its draft plan for students to return in the fall.

Testing of students and staff will be a priority.

“We are hoping that most of our students will in fact be tested,” said FSU Provost and Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs Sally McRorie.

The university also plans to conduct COVID-19 testing throughout the semester.

If a case is found, they’ll be quarantined in Rogers Hall on campus and a team will work to trace any and all contacts.

“And make sure that they get tested and that we keep everybody as safe as possible,” said McRorie.

Some parents have complained that sporting events will be permitted to resume, while many classes will still be conducted online.

The university told us classes like arts and lab courses will take priority for in person instruction, but other courses may be offered face to face as well.

“Really important classes for people before they enter their majors for example, or that are really critical classes for them,” said McRorie.

Karen Morian, President of the United Faculty of Florida said the plan appears to align with their own recommendations, highlighting the need for flexibility.

“If we get to the point where the pandemic has resurged so much in Florida that we may have to go to an entirely different plan,” said Morian.

The last two weeks of the semester following Thanksgiving break will be conducted virtually.

Prior to that, any significant outbreak could trigger a return to distance learning.

The University will finalize its reopening plan Thursday and reviewed by the Board of Governors next Tuesday.

Move in is scheduled August 10th and the semester is set to begin the 24th.

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