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Gay Marriage One Year Later

January 5th, 2016 by flanews

For many same sex couples in Florida, roadblock after roadblock made being married seem like an impossibility up until last January.  Matt Galka talks to one of the men responsible for reversing the state’s same sex marriage ban one year after the landmark decision.

A little more than one year ago, there were feelings of frustration from Jim Brenner and his partner Charles Jones

“We’re not asking for anything that other people don’t already have. We’re not asking for anything special,” said Brenner while sitting at his kitchen table in late 2014.

Brenner and Jones had already been married in Canada but until January of last year, Florida didn’t recognize their union. Brenner’s laws suit helped pave the way for change. A federal judge overturned the ban on same sex marriage January 5th of 2015, and couples started getting marriage licenses on the 6th.

“It seems like almost on a daily basis we find something new that’s making our lives the same as anyone elses, but for us it’s a big difference. A big change,” said Brenner.

One year later, what seemed almost impossible in Florida is run of the mill.

On the first day marriage licenses were granted to same sex couples, there were a few protests, but little problems. And one year later, Brenner says everything feels normal.

“The sky didn’t fall, and there are no major thunderbolts coming out of the sky in our direction, so I think it’s pretty much been what we were hoping for,” he said.

It’s nearly impossible to tell how many same sex couples were wed in Florida last year, spouse gender isn’t tracked in the state.

The U.S. Supreme Court made same sex marriage legal throughout the country on June 26th of last year.

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