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Ride sharing legislation back again

January 11th, 2017 by Mike Vasilinda

Florida remains without a statewide law regulating ride sharing services such as Uber and Lyft. That’s because lawmakers haven’t agree for the last two years on insurance requirements and background checks. Today ride share champion Senator Jeff Brandes of St. Petersburg says the stalemate has to end this year.

“We think tourists expect this type of access and with Florida being a state with 100 millions tourists, we better make sure we’re giving our tourists, your customers what they want and this bill focuses on insuring that we put our tourist at the highest priority and make sure that they have access when and where these services are offered” says the St. Petersburg Senator.

The legislation requires at least one hundred thousand dollars in death and bodily injury coverage and twenty five thousand in property damage. It allows multi policies to cover the vehicle, including an umbrella policy by the ride share company and the personal policy of the driver.

The fifteen page bill is the first ride sharing bill to be filed this year, but it is likely not the last. It does offer insurers the right not to cover ride share drivers or to seek additional premiums when they are on duty driving.

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