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Attorney to Run Across the State for Charity

November 15th, 2021 by Jake Stofan

A Jacksonville attorney kicked of what will be a six day run from Tallahassee to Jacksonville on Monday as part of a fundraising effort to help pay legal bills for pediatric patients and their families.

Mike Freed, the man behind the annual event, has raised nearly $2 million since 2016 when he first started.

He says he came up with the idea after he says he began to see the the country grow more divisive.

“I was trying to think of something that I could do that nobody would be against, everybody could be for and I decided to raise money for legal aid. And then I thought how could I get a lot of money out of peoples’ pockets instead of just a little bit. And I thought if I did something big then they would give big. And so I said I’m going to run across the state,” said Freed.

Freed is hoping to hit $2.25 million raised by the end of this year.

If you would like to help out the cause, visit freedtorun.com.

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