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Legislative Maps Approved

March 3rd, 2022 by Mike Vasilinda

For the first time in 50 years, no one challenged the validity of newly draw House and Senate legislative districts, so today, the Supreme Court of Florida gave the maps a thumbs up, but as Mike Vasilinda tells us, lawmakers are still in a battle to redraw the Staes 28 Congressional districts.

The opinion from the Flordia Supreme Court says the fact no one filed a challenge against the newly draw House and Senate district maps put it in an unusual posture. The court also said its the first time in 50 years that no one filed a challenge. The House was in session when the opinion was released.

“It is my pleasure to announce to you the Florida Supreme Court has just issued their opinion upholding the constitutionality of our legislative maps” said Speaker Chris Sprowls minutes after the decision was released. “They are now the law in the state of Florida.”

Michelle Salzman was on the committee that drew the maps.

“”I super excited” she told us. “I was actually doing a little happy dance on the floor and just applauding. I’m so excited. You know we put a lot of work and effort into those maps and took very seriously the process., trying to make sure it was fair and equitable.”

A statement from House Democrat Leader Evan Jenne says the victory lap may be premature. He expects future challenges. For now, Cecile Scoon, the President the League of Women Voters Florida is still deciding.


“We’re going to make up our minds when we get to the very end of the precess” Scoon told us via Zoom from her home in Panama City.

Today’s ruling came when the Florida House of Representatives was discussing newly 

Drawn congressional maps. Expect a challenge there for certain.

“This primary map does not comport with the standards. It’s unconstitutional” said Rep. Joe Geller (D-Miami) during debate.

A Jacksonville to Tallahassee Congressional map was threatened with a veto from the Governor

”And that is going to be the position we stick to, so, just take it to the bank” said Ron DeSantis on February 18th.

The House is actually passing two maps. The first to please the Governor. The second is a backup incase the first map falls.”

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