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Future of Newly Passed Congressional Maps in Doubt

March 4th, 2022 by Mike Vasilinda

The Florida Legislature today sent two new congressional maps to the Governor, a primary map, and a backup incase the courts throw the first map out. But it may be for naught. During the debate in the House, Governor Ron DeSantis tweeted he would veto the maps. Democrat Leader Evan Jenne said its time for lawmakers to start over.

“I just wanted to read you a tweet” began Jenne. “I will veto the congressional apportionment plan currently being debated by the House. Period. DOA Period. That tweet came from out own Governor just moments ago. So as we do this is a product that is already been claimed as dead on arrival when it hits the Governor’s desk. Members, we need to seriously consider what we are doing with this bill.”

But the House passed the map legislation anyway. A short time later, the Senate approved the maps and send the bill to the Governor. Lawmakers could override the anticipated veto, but that seems unlikely for the GOP controlled legislature.


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