Dems Make Education a Campaign Issue
October 3rd, 2012 by flanewsThe Florida Democrats are calling Republicans on the carpet for cuts made to education.
Republicans control the state house, senate and governor’s office. They restored a billion dollars to education this past session. But Democrats say it’s too little too late. The billion dollar boost came one year after a 1.3 billion dollar reduction in education spending. Democrat Bob Graham, a former Florida Governor, says years of budget reductions coupled with tuition increases, are weakening the state university system.
“Education has lost the value that it used to have. Instead of the state being the principal funding for our state universities we’re trying to shift it off to students,” said Graham.
Republicans say they’ve done the best they can with dwindling state budget revenues and add they were able to balance the budget without raising taxes. As for the 1.3 billion dollar cut in funding a year ago. They blame that on the state running out of federal stimulus dollars.
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